Self Improvement Ideas

10 Fantastic Questions To Help You Clarify Your Goals & Dreams
More self improvement ideas.
The first step of the
Smart Goals Success Formula™
is this - you must know what it is that you want.
Here are a number of fantastic questions you can use to figure out what it is that you want and so begin to create the life of your dreams.
As you go through each question you may find it useful to remember the nine key life areas we have defined - health and fitness, career and work, relationships, social life, personal development,finances, quality of life, spirituality and contribution.
Your answers,taken together, will form your vision. Once you have that you can then begin the exciting process of setting goals and making your vision become a reality.
Read through the following ten questions:
You do not need to answer them all.
Just get a pen and paper and write down the answers to those questions that inspire you the most.
1. What is it that you want to be?
to have ? or
to do?
(You may like to download and print off the
101 Smartest Goals™ worksheet
and record all your self improvement ideas in one place.
2. If you could wave a magic wand over your life right now and have whatever it is that you want what would be there?
3. If, from the moment you wake up tomorrow morning your life is just perfect, how will you know?
4. What is it that you truly love?
5. What do you want so much that it brings a big grin to your face just thinking about it?
What makes you say 'Awesome'?
6. What would your life look like if it included the things you love?
7. What would your ideal life look like if there were no limitations?
8. What would you love to do if you had all the money in the world?
9. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
10. If you could just achieve one big goal what would it be?
When you have finished answering the above questions you should have a very clear and exciting vision for your future.
Well done.
Now score your vision for your future on a scale of 1 to 10.
It should be tremendously motivating and exciting for you.
If it's not yet a 9 or 10 stop now and take as much time as you need to really make this perfect. Remember your vision should 'wow' you - so much so that you are willing to do whatever it takes to just get out there and create it!
Once you have a clear and motivating vision for your future (all these self improvement ideas together on paper) you'll want to set yourself some really clear goals.
I hope you have enjoyed answering these powerful questions.
You'll find lots of self improvement ideas in books and on the internet but for me the most important is that you know what it is that you want from life overall.
Recommended next step?
Step 2 of the Smart Goals Success Formula™
Everything you need to know about goal setting!
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