Free Printable Planners

7 Printable Planner Pages To Help You Achieve Your Goals
Free printable planners
Would you like to have a way of planning so that you can :
- Be more focussed on achieving your goals and dreams?
- Feel as if you are making significant progress on your goals, week by week?
- Feel so organised that you are motivated to achieve significantly more in your life?
Step 3 of the Smart Goals Success Formula™ is simple:-
Plan your steps and take massive action.
The first step to doing this is to write down your goals. Then break them down into smaller goals. Then break them down again into smaller more manageable bite sized action steps.
The easiest way to do this is to use some sort of planning system – either a paper based system or daily planner software.
If you do not already have an effective way of planning your time so that you can achieve your goals you can download the any of the free printable planners here.
This is the paper based system which I print off on a regular basis, store in an A4 size ring bound file and use daily.
It's free , so I guess it's a bit of a budget planner, but I use it every day and it is highly effective!!
The Smartest Goals™ system comprises of seven free printable planners:
1.Your Smartest Goals™ Life Assessment Overview
Where you take a look at your life overall, assess where you are right now and what needs to change.
2.Your Smartest Goals™ - 101 Life Goals
Where you record all your dreams, wishes and ideas on one page.
3.Your Smartest Goals™ - Yearly Planner
Where you ask yourself what are the goals that I want to achieve this year?
4.Your Smartest goals ™ –Quarterly Planner
Where you break down your annual goals into the goals that you will achieve each quarter.
5.Your Smartest Goals™ - Monthly Planner
Where you break down your quarterly goals into monthly goals.
6.Your Smartest Goal™ -Weekly Planner
Where you break down your monthly goals into weekly goals.
7.Your Smartest Goals™ - Daily Planner
Where you break down your weekly goals into daily goals.
Each planner is designed to allow you to plan your goals in detail across the nine key areas of life.
These areas are your:
- Health and fitness
- Your career
- Your relationships - partner, family
- Your social life
- Your personal development
- Your finances
- Your quality of life
- Your spiritual life and your
- Contribution
Obviously you do not have to have a goal in each area. However if you want true balance in life it is useful to set a goal in each area. In this way you will be growing and developing all the areas in your life.
The goals in each area can of course vary in size. For example my 2010 goals comprise of one huge career goal - setting up my website and writing my ebook. I have goals in all other 8 areas but they are much smaller in size!
What are the benefits of using the free printable planners?
When you use the free printable planners you automatically have:-
1. A means of keeping your goals at the front of your mind every day of the year.
2. A way of working on a number of goals at the same time.
3. An easy method to achieve your annual goals - breaking them down into very practical monthly, weekly and daily steps.
4. A way of maintaining your motivation to achieve your goals every day of the year.
5. A faster way of achieving your goals. When you write down your goals it makes them more likely to be achieved and when you take action on them daily it brings faster results.
6. An easy way to review and track your progress
Print off the free printable planners in the above order - 1 to 7
Start by assessing your life.
Then write down all your wishes and dreams.
When you have done this then plan what you want to achieve this year.
Then quarterly.
Then monthly.
Then weekly.
Then daily.
Print your planners well ahead of time – do a month at a time perhaps.
Use the back of each page to record notes, contact details etc.
Keep all your sheets in your file so that you have a record of all your notes, contact details, plans and action steps in one place.
Enjoy the process of watching your goals become a reality, step by step...

Recommended next step?
How to keep yourself motivated throughout the process!
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