Marie O'Riordan Presents

'How To Transform Your Business
In 5 Days.'

A 4 Hour Workshop

Experience Marie O'Riordan
Live In Cork Before She Takes The Stage With Lord Alan Sugar In Dublin On June 16th!

2pm (Sharp) - 6pm Thursday June 14th 2012

Who is Marie O Riordan?

Marie O’Riordan is a Sony prize award winning filmmaker & honorary award winning philanthropist who has worked with the some of the most famous people in the World, including Mother Teresa & Oprah Winfrey.

Imagine retiring at 33,being hired by Fortune 500 companies and the No.1 Franchises in the World, and being officially honoured by The United States of America & publicly congratulated for her business success by the Leader of Ireland, Enda Kenny.

She has appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s Lifeclass, CNN, Forbes, The Washington Post, NBC, Fox, ABC, USA Today, CBS, The BBC & the list goes on...

Marie's revolutionary business system called ‘The Forever Method’ has documented extraordinary results in individuals & businesses across the globe. She has impacted people through her work in 151 countries around the world.

Marie has just been announced as the new inspiration mentor to Irish world championship athletes & will be working on site at the London 2012 Olympic games.

Trinity College Dublin invited Marie to speak on stage & address the University Philosophical Society in May 2012..joining the ranks of Oscar Wilde, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Bono..

If you want practical, thoroughly tested ideas and greater business success right now ,then don't miss Marie O'Riordan in Cork. She is on a mission - to get Ireland moving!

Catch a glimpse of Marie here...

What are people saying about her?

$442,635.02 in less than 7 days with Marie O'Riordan

Gerard Duffy Managing Director of Eurotech Group has just confirmed he made $442,635.02 in new business from 10 out of 10 deals closed from new systems Marie O’Riordan implemented in the company less than ONE WEEK prior. Marie worked with his company from 14th to 18th of May 2012.

Gerard Duffy, Managing Director of Eurotech Group and Inventor of the EuroComfort System reveals how Marie O’Riordan from iDeal Business Intelligence turned His Business around.

‘I Love You because You turned My Life around. You turned My Company around’

‘I know You promised Me in 4 days You would change things. In 3 days it changed’

Dr. Leisha Daly, Country Manager, Janssen-Cilag Johnson & Johnson

The Mayor Of Kildare

Padraig O'Maille of O'Maille Consulting

Hear her interview on Breakfast Newstalk.

What you will learn at the workshop?

During the event you will learn:

1. Exactly how to tweak language patterns in your business to go from self-sabotage to SUPER success.

2. The shocking, horrible & painful TRUTH that messes up your business leading and leads to a messy bank balance.

3. That business strategies, tactics & actions taught by other business leaders were wrong and how to fix this instantly.

4. Marie's tried, tested & proven step about how precisely to boost productivity & massively reduce sick days per year IMMEDIATELY.

5. Exactly how to rid stress from your business & customers in a matter of SECONDS through a method Marie O'Riordan has investigated for the past 23 years.

6. The single most POWERFUL business decision & implementation step that will lead to your huge international leverage.

7. How to leave people SPEECHLESS through a strategy that led Marie to being awarded one of the highest official honours by the United States Of America.

8. How to SECURE a business deal without ever opening your mouth.

9. A step that will lead to extraordinay GROWTH in productivity & in turn profits.

10. The single most important ingredient essential to EXPAND any business in 2012 & beyond.

Who should attend?

Business leaders open to powerful new ideas to improve the performance of their business quickly!

The workshop materials are relevant to businesses of all sizes :

-multinationals & -medium & small businesses

Workshop Time & Place

The workshop will be held in the The Cork International Airport Hotel

It will commence at 2pm sharp and finish at 6pm.

Your Investment.

Marie o'Riordan is on a mission to help keep Ireland moving and has agreed to run her four hour workshop at a cost of only

77euro (plus a 2.68euro booking fee)

As seats are limited booking by Wednesday 30th May is highly advisable.


Finally, a word from me....

I feel very privileged and absolutely thrilled, to have the opportunity to organise Marie's first workshop here in Cork and to have the outstanding and generous help of the Cork based outsourcing company Intercall.

I also hope this workshop will be just the start of Marie helping us as we continue to work together to keep Cork and Ireland moving.

Look forward to seeing you on the 14th!

If you have any questions please call 087- 661 5633

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How To INCREASE Your CHANCES Of Achieving Any Personal Or Professional Goal Right From The START EBOOK & GOAL SETTING WORKSHEET - $7 OFFER


What People Are Saying:

"I would have told you I had clear goals, but as a result of the tools I saw they were not nearly as tight as they need to be if I want to quickly build my dreams".

E. Alana James

Founder - Doctoral Academy

I would highly recommend this process to think through any task that is important to you but may seem unattainable."

Myriam Cronin
Gateway Incubation Centre
University College Cork

"The discipline of working through the steps and key questions in the Smartest Goals process brings exceptional clarity and focus allowing me to achieve much more in a shorter time than I hertofore thought possible.

I would highly recommend this approach to anyone who wishes to achieve their dreams."

Helen O’Dowd
Virginia Health Foods

"I am delighted with My Smartest Goal!

I was at a bit of a crossroads in my business and I found the entire process most helpful, insightful, and inspirational!"

Fiona Foley- Gaffney
Colour Me Beautiful